As the cost of energy is increasing with every passing year, companies are looking towards efficient systems that would relieve them of cost pressures. One source of this underlying cost is air leakages in the pneumatic system. According to US Department of Energy, air wastage can represent about 20-30% of the total compressor’s output, while proactive air leakage detection and repair can reduce this wastage to 10% or less. Aside from the cost of this wastage, companies face huge losses due to production downtime caused by inconsistencies in their pneumatic systems.

Companies have little understanding of the true possible saving opportunities present in their facilities. The objective of Automate’s Pneumatic system audit is to help them identify these opportunities and how best to avail them. Not only does this lower energy costs for users, it also provides a health check of their pneumatic systems, reduced stress on the maintenance staff and ultimately improves the efficiency of production lines.  

Automate offers two types of audits;

  • Walk the Line Audit, in which our team makes a one day visit to your facility and performs basic audit.
  • Full Audit, which typically involves a few days in which our team performs an in-depth assessment and creates an accurate account of your compressed air system.

For more details, please download our brochure from the left menu.